Members Attend Land and Range Schools in Gettysburg and Faulkton

Hoven FFA Members have attended Land and Range Judging schools in Gettysburg adn Faulkton. In Gettysburg the students enjoyed their day learning about Land and Range Judging from experts from the NRCS. The students discussed soil texture, permeability to rain water, erosion, slope and other factors that effect a piece of land and how to properly manage it. They also discussed plant identification and the importance of native plants in range situations and how to calculate animal units for a piece of  ground . Students then determine the grazing requirements and formulate range management suggestions. After completing the land and range judging school, students used the skills they have been practicing in class to compete in a Land and Range Judging Competition.

In Faulkton Hoven FFA members participated in a practice competition to prepare for the upcoming State Land and Range Judging event in Wessington Springs. The top 15 scores from Faulkton advanced to the state competition on September 26th. Michael Rausch took high honors placing first for Hoven. He was closely followed by Tara heuer who had the only perfect score on a site for the day. In range judging Lewus Morgan, Shaye Jungwirth and Bailey Baker have advanced to State and will represent Hoven well. Hoven’s state land judging team includes Michael Rausch, Tara Heuer, Reid Kaiser, Carrie Kaiser, Tyler Kraft, Abby Simon, Tyler DeRouchey, Derick Arbach, Jasmine Frost, Garret Spindler, Tanner Heuer, Katie McClure, Garrett Rausch, Jacob Rausch, and Kalecia Hageman.

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