FFA Members Receive Top Honors


Shaye, Reid, Lewus, Tyler, and Derick at the State Degree Screening Day in Faulkton.

Shaye, Reid, Lewus, Tyler, and Derick at the State Degree Screening Day in Faulkton.


On January 16th Derick Arbach, Tyler DeRouchey, Reid Kaiser and Lewus Morgan headed to Faulkton for State Degree Screening Day. To receive their State Degree the students have to have been an FFA member for the past 24 consecutive months, has two complete fiscal years worth of records, and has either earned and productively invested $1000 from the SAE or worked at least 300 hours on their SAE. They are also required to have performed at least 25 hours of community service throughout high school. Once they arrived in Faulkton they turned in their applications and SAE record books to be reviewed by a committee of Ag teachers. Once their application and record books have been reviewed by two ag teachers they are ready to be interviewed. Their interview covers the components of their SAE including their SAE goals, growth, and favorite parts of their SAE with the committee. The students are also interviewed about their community activities, school activities, and FFA Experiences. Future plans and goals are also topics that are covered in their interview. After their interview the District VI Ag Teachers certify the State Degree candidates that have met the requirements and earned their State Degrees. This list of certified candidates will go before the South Dakota FFA Executive Board to be approved.

Derick, Tyler, Reid and Lewus’s applications were all certified so they will be receiving their State FFA Degree’s at State FFA Convention this April. Congratulations gentlemen on your accomplishment! 

Shaye Jungwirth also attended the State Degree Screening Day as Hoven’s Star Greenhand Candidate. To be eligible for consideration Shaye had to complete her 2012 fiscal year records for her SAE along with the State Degree Application and Star Battery. Her record books, application, and battery are all reviewed and she is interviewed over her SAE, FFA activities, and school and community activities. Each district is allowed to name two District State Star Candidates that will advance on to the state level for review. Shaye has been advanced to the state level and is one of 14 State Star Greenhand Candidates. Her application will be reviewed the end of February were they will select the top four candidates. The top four candidates will be interviewed by a panel of judges at State Convention and the State Star Greenhand will be announced on stage. Congratulations to Shaye and good luck as you advance on.

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