Common Farm Animal Classification

We have discussed how we categorize things into different groups, and we have takenĀ  an in depth look at the hierarchy we use to separate all living things into groups. Now lets look at how we classify Common Farm Animals.

For this project you can select to create a digital presentation or create a digital poster for the Farm Animal you have selected. Your Project must include the following five items.

1. The animals Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genes, and Species.

2. A picture of you animal

3. The names and classifications for male animals (both castrated and intact), female animals (both young and old), and the name of the offspring.

4. What they eat as well as what kind of a digestive system they have.

5. A fun or interesting fact that you learned while creating your digital presentation or digital poster.

You will present you projects during the shortened class period on Thursday, September 19th.

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